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To the parents and guardians of B!GTiME kids,

As you know, as a result of the health advisories in BC, we have moved our B!GTiME Kids Christmas party online.

The hope is that for you, as parents, to be able to watch your service while your child will be able to have their Christmas party without much help from you. 

Your child will need a Christmas box to be a part of this party. This box is free but you need to pick it up. You can get your box by coming to the church office between 11-4. Feel free to call the office first to make sure their are some left.

You can attend this event on the 20th online via the zoom link provided on the box. The zoom party will be at the same time as the watch party services, on the 20th of December at either the 9 or 10:30 service. 

As always the regular videos will be provided

BONUS VIDEOS - The video included with this online event is aimed for all ages. If you would like something for specific ages here are some bonus videos: (they will be clickable on Sunday morning)

For ages 2-5 click here > PRESCHOOL (You will have to scroll to the video that you want)

For regular programing click here> SIMPLY CHRISTMAS (This is a simplified version of our regular lesson)

For Preteens (Grade 4-5) click here > PRETEEN

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at