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What we believe, ultimately leads us to the actions we take, our values, and our choices. Our core beliefs are based on the foundational truths of the Bible which form the worldview by which we, as followers of Jesus, govern our lives. If our doctrine is based soundly upon Scripture, we can know we are walking in the path God designed for us. This series, We Believe, is intended to root and ground us as a faith community. It will instill these values into our hearts and minds as we minister to each other, pass our faith to the next generation, and reach out to the world around us!

Calvary Church Main Campus Onsite | Sunday at 9AM + 10:30AM
Calvary Church Mandarin Campus 
Onsite | Sunday at 9AM + 10:30AM
*Full Calvary Kid's and Student ministry available during all Sunday services.

Calvary Church Online Campus | Sunday LIVE Broadcasts 9AM PDT + Anytime After - On Demand
Main Campus Online | LIVE Broadcast: (Live chat + prayer enabled)
Mandarin Campus Online | LIVE Stream: (Live chat + prayer enabled)
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*Calvary Kids + Students NEW Content Sundays On Demand