加略山教會 中文部
隨著社區多元文化的發展 和新加入教會華人家庭的 需要,加略山教會於2001年9月組成了一個華人小組 ,在這小組的成長 過程中,中文查經班也 應運而生了 ,並且喜見越來越多的華人弟兄姐妹決志信主。因著對社區華人的負擔與感動,麥當勞牧師和教會其他領袖回應神的呼召於2003年5月正式成立了加略山教會中文堂 ,經過短短的幾年時間,加略山教會中文堂從一個小小的華人小組成長為一個能對整個大溫哥華的華人社區都產生影響力及活力興旺的華人教會,讓我們經歷到 神的恩典與帶領;不管是從何處移民到此的華人弟兄姐妹們,都能合一享受在 神的愛裡,每週聚集在這裡參加主日崇拜以及周間的各項活動。
地點 : 教會的讚美樓 (從北門進入)
上午 9:00 全中文崇拜
上午10:30 全中文崇拜
One Church, Two Languages
As the diversity of the community continued to increase, a small group was started in September 2001 to minister to the needs of the Chinese families that began attending Calvary. As this group continued grow, a Mandarin bible study soon followed seeing many people making first time commitments to Christ. The burden for the Chinese community intensified in the heart of our leaders, and in May 2003 the Mandarin congregation of Calvary was born. What started as a small group bible study has now grown significantly to a thriving and active ministry to the Chinese community of the Lower Mainland that now meets together for weekly Calvary Mandarin Campus services and ongoing activities and classes throughout the week. The Calvary Mandarin Campus meets in Schroeder Hall every Sunday at 9AM and 10:30AM with a LIVE streamed service online at 9AM. These services are conducted entirely in Mandarin with live translation of the message for guest speakers.
*Babies and children join the Nursery and Sunday School classes, which start at 9 am and are conducted in English.